Nutrition North Canada Engagement 2016
Current status: Closed
The engagement started on May 30, 2016 and officially closed on December 9, 2016, although a few meetings had to be rescheduled from the fall to January because of bad weather. The final report of what we heard, prepared by Interis | BDO, is now available.
As part of its commitment to improve Nutrition North Canada (NNC), the Government of Canada is seeking input from community members and other stakeholders on how the program can be more transparent, cost-effective, and culturally appropriate in the face of growing demand for healthy food in the North.
The Government of Canada will engage with:
- residents of isolated Northern communities
- NNC registered retailers and suppliers
- northern transportation companies
- Indigenous communities and organizations
- local regional/provincial/territorial/ governments
- experts involved in areas such as food security, northern transportation and northern infrastructure
NNC is a Government of Canada subsidy program launched on April 1, 2011 to bring healthy food to isolated northern communities. NNC works with stores across the North and food suppliers in southern Canada to ensure Northerners have better access to perishable nutritious food.
The engagement sessions focus on five themes:
- program sustainability/cost effectiveness
- fairness and consistency
- transparency
- visibility: communications/outreach and engagement
- innovation
The engagement sessions are being led by a team of consultants from Interis Consulting, supported by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and Health Canada staff. The team will be holding public meetings in up to 20 isolated northern communities and conducting telephone and face-to-face meetings with other stakeholders.
The communities were chosen based on recommendations from the Nutrition North Canada Advisory Board.
They include:
- a mix of small, medium and larger size communities
- communities that have not yet been visited regarding NNC or have expressed interest in being engaged
The input gathered through this process will be used to develop options to update the program and help it stay sustainable.
How to participate
There are four ways to participate:
- Attend a community meeting – you can view the discussion guide.
- Fill out the online survey.
- Send an email to or a letter to the address in Contact us. Please make sure to follow the guidelines outlined in How to submit your views.
- Send a tweet using the hashtag #NNCMySay.
When and where
Summaries of all meetings are being posted under What we heard.
Date | Community | Venue | Time |
May 30 | Old Crow, YK community meeting | Old Crow Community Centre | 7 to 9 p.m. |
May 31 | Ulukhaktok/Holman, NWT community meeting | Community Hall | 7 to 9 p.m. |
June 20 | Rigolet, NL community meeting | Northern Lights Academy Gymnasium | 7 to 9 p.m. |
September 20 | Kangiqsujuaq, QC community meeting | School Gymnasium | 7 to 9 p.m. |
September 26 | Iqaluit, Nunavut community meeting | Inukshuk High School | 7 to 9 p.m. |
September 28 | Pond Inlet, Nunavut community meeting | Attakaalik Hall | 7 to 9 p.m. |
October 4 | Hopedale, Labrador community meeting | Nanuk Community Centre | 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. |
October 17 | Lutsel K'e, NWT | Community Hall | 7 to 9 p.m. |
October 18 | Fort Chipewyan, AB | Mamawi Community Hall | 7 to 9 p.m. |
October 19 | Fond-du-Lac, SK community meeting | Fond-du-Lac First Nation Band Hall | 7 to 9 p.m. |
October 20 | Wollaston Lake, SK | Hatchet Lake First Nation Band Hall | 7 to 9 p.m. |
November 2 | Wekweètì, NWT | Wekweètì Youth Centre | 7 to 9 p.m. |
November 3 | Kugaaruk, NU | Kugaaruk Gym | 7 to 9 p.m. |
November 15 | St. Theresa Point, MB | Community Hall | 7 to 9 p.m. |
November 21 | Inukjuak, QC | Inukjuak Recreation Centre | 7 to 9 p.m. |
November 29 | Fort Hope, ON | JCY Gymnasium | 7 to 9 p.m. |
November 29 | Big Trout Lake, ON | Community Hall | 7 to 9 p.m. |
Due to severe weather, four community meetings were cancelled. Community visits for these locations have been scheduled for January 2017 to:
- discuss the final summary of what we heard during the engagement and validate its findings
- ask if there is anything to add that was not covered in the final summary
- review next steps for Nutrition North Canada
The January 12 meeting in Oxford House has been cancelled due to weather issues affecting transportation.
Date | Location | Venue | Time |
January 10 | Baker Lake, Nunavut | Qamani'tuaq Recreation Centre | 7 to 9 p.m. |
January 24 | Fort Hope, Ontario | John C. Yesno (JCY) Gymnasium | 7 to 9 p.m. |
January 26 | Fort Albany, Ontario | Community hall | 7 to 9 p.m. |
Although these community visits are not included in the final report, their input may be used to develop options to update the program and help it be more transparent, cost-effective, and culturally appropriate in the face of growing demand for healthy food in the North.
What we heard
Summaries of the community meetings and the stakeholder meetings are available under What we heard.
- Community meeting summaries
- Old Crow, YK community meeting on May 30, 2016
- Ulukahaktok, NWT community meeting on May 31, 2016
- Rigolet, NL community meeting on June 20, 2016
- Kangiqsujuaq, QC community meeting on September 20, 2016
- Iqaluit, Nunavut community meeting on September 26, 2016
- Pond Inlet, Nunavut community meeting on September 28, 2016
- Hopedale, Labrador community meeting on October 4, 2016
- Lutsel K'e, NT community meeting on October 17, 2016
- Fort Chipewyan, AB community meeting on October 18, 2016
- Fond du Lac, SK community meeting on October 19, 2016
- Wollaston Lake, SK community meeting on October 20, 2016
- Wekweèti, NWT community meeting on November 2, 2016
- Kugaaruk, Nunavut community meeting on November 3, 2016
- St. Theresa Point, MB community meeting on November 15, 2016
- Inukjuak, QC community meeting on November 21, 2016
- Big Trout Lake, ON community meeting on November 29, 2016
- Baker Lake, NU community meetings on January 10, 2017
- Fort Hope, ON community meetings on January 24, 2017
- Fort Albany, ON community meetings on January 26, 2017
- Other stakeholder meetings
- Postville, Labrador, key stakeholder meeting on October 5, 2016
- Nain, Labrador, key stakeholder meeting on October 5, 2016
- Black Tickle, Labrador, key stakeholder meeting on October 6, 2016
- Oxford House, MB, key stakeholder meeting on December 8, 2016
Related information
Contact us
Nutrition North Canada: Engagement 2016
25 Eddy Street, 14th floor
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H4
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